Safeguarding and Prevent at PTS
At PTS, we always do everything to ensure that every student and staff member is treated fairly, equally and feels safe and valued. We take the welfare of our learners, customers and staff very seriously and are committed to safeguarding and promoting the wellbeing of young people and adults at risk. This is part of our ethos and is a commitment shared across our organisation. Our safeguarding policy and procedures are there to ensure we protect and support those at risk and enable them to work towards a better future.
We take our duty under the Prevent Strategy very seriously; we aim to identify those who are risk from radicalisation and follow procedures to ensure the individual receives the right level of support and intervention. We work in partnerships across Gloucestershire and the South West to safeguard those most vulnerable to the risks of violent extremism and are proud to be a member of the Prevent South West Forum.
Please view our Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy here - View Document
Everyone's Invited - Click here for reassurance for our community - View Document
The key objectives of our policy are to:
- Promote a safe learning environment for all of our customers and learners to achieve their full potential.
- Actively promote good health and wellbeing for all.
- Early identification of those at risk of harm, offering a tailored approach to safeguard and support.
- Work in partnership with other organisations who share the same commitment to safeguarding our young people and adults.
We have high regard for our student experience and an agreed code of conduct that every student and member of staff must follow.
We will be able to support you throughout your programme by having:
- Staff members who can listen and talk you through any worries you may have.
- Close partnerships with a wide range of support agencies.
- Trained mental health first aiders.
- Home visits and support with travel.
- One-to-one mentoring.
- A bursary scheme and free student lunches.*
- A well-being and faith room for students to use.
*Specific eligibility criteria apply.
If you are a learner or customer and are concerned about your own wellbeing or safety or you are concerned about someone you know then please contact the PTS Safeguarding Team on 01452 300255 or