Support for Young people not in education,
employment or training (NEET)
Prospect Training Services has been awarded the European Social Funded (ESF) NEET contract until the end of March 2023 making us the #1 training provider for NEET young people in Gloucestershire.
The ESF NEET project is designed to support 15–24-year-olds who face multiple barriers to their participation and need a different type of provision to engage them in learning and keep them engaged.
Through this ESF funded project PTS is engaging with young people and meeting their needs by providing individually tailored solutions locally, leading to the onward progression of the individual.
Our bespoke training and support delivered in schools, from our central Gloucester training centres, and satellite delivery hubs all over Gloucestershire has already supported 100’s of young people to achieve positive outcomes and progress into further education, employment and training or re-engage at school/college.
Through the ESF NEET project PTS is contributing to an increase in participation in education and training and reduction in the number of young people who are at risk of being NEET or are already NEET in Gloucestershire.
For more information, please contact Ewen Saunders Commercial Director at ewens@trainandrecruit.com.